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Jazz 77

Im Jazz 77, I have been around in Club Penguin for god knows how long. My first army was the UMA (Underground mafias army) Which at the time was led by Pink Mafias. Then a couple of months later I joined ACP (Army of club penguin) while in the UMA still and getting promoted a couple of times. A lot of things were going on back then and I didn't know what to do or anything! But soon after I finally got my head straight and started to do well in the ACP. Then after a while I was promoted straight to sergant which was weird because I never was a corprol then. It was during that time that the Nacho / ACP war was just kicking off and I was going to get my first peice of war. I was relly excited until I realized how horrible war can be............................ there was name calling, huge fighting, swearing and even gross vidios being shown E.G Baby in a microwave? but after a while we finally stopped the war( Thanks to Zippy wanting to leave the Nachos with him doing a honerable thing) BUUUUUUUUUT soon after that Ogalthorp ( Beloved creator and Leader of ACP) decided he was too old for club penguin, and quit. Aka bob ( 2nd in command of Nachos and starter of the Nacho / ACP war) said it was all part of his plan to quit and is now soon to be Nacho leader. The world of all armies cried after that tragic day, but ecpecially ACP. They had lost their creator, their god. But ............................. then after weeks of begging, Ogal finally decided that he would not make ACP disband, he appointed Fort57 (Current ACP leader) as leader and Tom Y ( ACP second in command aka Pharo Tom, Tommy Tom Yellow and dr goodbeer) as second in command. Fort promoted me and then for a long period of time nothing happened. And then the shadow spies came along during April. After beating their soory behinds Elite came along and are still a round today. Well thats most of my cp life ( I misssed out the CPRA bit DOH!!!!!) Jazz

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